Why WordPress is the Most Popular CMS | Blog
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4 Important Factors that Make WordPress Immensely Popular

By Mitali Purkait Ghosh on October 28, 2020

If you are not living under the rock for all this time, you are surely familiar with the immense popularity of WordPress CMS. Fueling around 59% of all the websites around the globe, WordPress is certainly the most popular platform for creating your website. Now, as a user with limited skills, you might wonder what makes WordPress so hugely popular.

When it comes to the design and development of your website, you hire WordPress developer to do the job. But if you truly want to know how choosing WordPress can benefit you, then you must need to know about some important factors. At Digital Concepts, we offer WordPress development India and for that, we ensure our clients get to know what they are getting into. So, here in the following points, we are offering you the same insights that will help you understand why this CMS is so popular and why you should go for it too. Take a look.

Freedom of Free

What if you get to use a platform with the majority of the features for free? Sounds too good to be true? Well, with WordPress it is possible. WordPress comes with lots of free features including themes and plugins that will let you design your website for free. So, if you don’t have the budget of some high-end theme or plugin, there is nothing to worry about. WordPress will offer you free design which you can use for your website. Also, changing theme or design becomes easier as you can do it all for free.

Easy to Customize

Your website is the face of your business on the internet. And that is why you need it to be robust, flawless, and efficient. Hence, the necessity of customization. Now, when you are customizing the website, WordPress lets you use the flexible framework for modifying layout and applications. With the help of user-generated extensions, you can make your website more flexible and customized according to your requirements. So, if you are hiring an agency offering WordPress development services, you can rest assured that there are hundreds of promises for you.

SEO Friendly

The goal of designing a website is not just to createa face online. You as a brand surely need to get the maximum visibility too. And for that, you need to create an SEO-friendly website that will maintain every hack so that it can rank on the top of the SERP and get the maximum visibility. For that, your website needs to be SEO friendly. When you are choosing WordPress CMS, you are going for the most SEO-friendly platform anyway. With SEO friendly themes and SEO plugins, you can create a perfect SEO-friendly website for your brand. With easy content management, UX, and H1 tags, you can use the website the way you want. And it can rank higher on the SERP quite easily.

Secure and Easy to Manage

WordPress is a secure CMS for your website and to maintain that, you don’t have to be a coder. You can easily keep the site up and running, and away from malicious activities. WordPress releases regular updates. So, when you are using the CMS, you need to install these updates regularly as it will keep the site secure. With the two-factor authentication and plugins, you can make your site access limited. The security plugin also scans the site to trace malware. By enabling SSL, you can secure the connection with the users too. And when you are hiring a company for WordPress web design services, they will also ensure the added security of the website. And if the security is threatened or hacked, then it is easy with WordPress to activate backup.

So, now as you know why WordPress is the most popular CMS and the best choice for your website design and development, what are you waiting for? Give us a call at Digital Concepts and set the ball rolling. Visit https://www.digitalconcepts.in/ or call at +91 980140672 now. 

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