12 Digital Platforms to Use for Brand Awareness | Digital Concepts
Digital Advertising Platforms

Top 12 Digital Advertising Platforms to Go for Boosting Brand Awareness in 2024

By Mitali Purkait Ghosh on August 4, 2021

With the advent and increasing popularity of digital advertising platforms, businesses are currently going through a hard time while choosing among many platforms. Which one will be more effective, more affordable, more beneficial, finding this out is not so easy. And that is why you need to hear from the experts.

What are Advertising Platforms?

Digital advertising platforms are the ones where the brand can make its presence felt and target the right audience and increase more and more brand awareness which will guarantee increased ROI. The new online advertising platforms in India include Google and Yahoo as well as Microsoft and all social media channels. Ecommerce and online music apps are now included in such effective and powerful advertising platforms. So, if you are willing to run ads, then you need to choose the right digital marketing services for your business.

What to Know When You are Choosing the Advertising Platform?

You need to consider various factors when you are choosing the right online marketing agency to run your digital ad campaign. Choosing the right digital platforms for advertising for your campaign can be easy with the following steps.

  • Analyze your business first. Know what you are offering and which platform will be best for showcasing that. Find out about your target audience.
  • Analyze your target audience. Find out who engages with your competitors and who your target customers are. Look for a specific demographic.
  • Now, define the objective of your ad and then stage the sale funnel. What do you want to achieve with your ad and how it will benefit your brand, find the answers to these questions.

Now, once you are done with these two parts, let’s dive into the main discussions about which digital advertising platforms are right for you.

Top 12 Digital Advertising Platforms to look out for in 2024

Now, you need to know about the top platforms where you can run your ad campaigns where you can get the right audience for your products and services.

1. Google Ads

Google AdWords is probably the most popular and versatile digital marketing channels for brand awareness for creating and managing your pay-per-click campaign. This means, marketers, focus on a specific keyword available on Google and make bids on it. These bids are called ‘maximum bids’, or the maximum value that you are willing to pay for an ad. When a user looks at the ad and clicks on it, the marketer pays a small amount for that specific click. The more the number of users who click on the ad, the more are the chances of accomplishing the ad’s goals. Display ads, text ads, ads as per your location, there are many options you have.


  • Immediate and increased reach
  • Most likely 40% more clicks as that is how many people click on the first four results of SERP
  • Faster creation of the campaign
  • Pay only when the ad is clicked on
  • Tracking of all activities and easy management


  • Excessive competition as every digital marketing company is running ads on Google
  • PPC is increasing
  • You must have a website to run the ad
  • Not very helpful for unique and new products

If you are targeting lead generation with a medium budget, then this is the best platform for you. Google ads will help you accomplish the goals of your respective companies.

2. Facebook Ads

Facebook is the most popular and one of the best social media platforms for brand awarenesss with a whopping number of 2.7 billion users per month. Facebook has made $60 million in revenue in 2023 by posting ads. If a company hires the correct digital marketing services to increase revenue, they are bound to see a great increase in the company value. Some marketers had claimed that Facebook ads do not work but 2023 has made people believe otherwise. These ads can provide value to brand names, brand image, and brand revenueTargeting customers, running ads, and generating sales are quite easy via Facebook ads.


  • Easy targeting of the right customer
  • Faster boost to your sales and revenue
  • Extremely cost-effective
  • You can target and pay for 100% qualified customers with interest in your product or service
  • Multiple forms of advertising
  • Easily manageable budget


  • Ads are visible on Facebook. Only if the website is partnered with Google, then it can be visible
  • The conversion rate can be lower
  • Constant display of ad leading to ad fatigue
  • Found boring and spam by many users

It is essential to avoid making any mistakes while posting Facebook ads. If you are wondering what mistakes you should avoid and how to reach maximum brand growth, then hire the best digital marketing company to aid you in profitably using Facebook Ads.

3. AdRoll

AdRoll is an AI-powered platform that offers easier and accurate predictions. This is a highly compatible platform with all the major e-commerce websites including WooCommerce, Shopify, and BigCommerce.


  • You can personalize ads as per your audience’s behavior
  • Easy budget setting and flexible marketing
  • Powerful analytics to measure the results
  • Unlimited ad templates that will help you design your ads easily.


  • Not a very user-friendly interface for beginners with no knowledge of ads
  • The platform might postpone ad output notification
  • Not a fast response from the support team
  • Pricing can be a challenge. There is no fixed price. It depends on the number of email interactions.

If you own an online store and want to maximize your online visibility, you can hire a digital marketing company to use this platform expertly.

4. Amazon

This is the biggest e-commerce website in the world with monthly 2.2 billion visitors. They are the best platform to understand how shoppers look for brands, products, or research. When Amazon Ads are used by any company for earning revenue, it results in not just revenue but a wide increase in the brand name. These ads help you reach customers every day from any corner of the planet. If you are already a registered seller or vendor, don’t miss any time in running the ads on this platform.


  • Hundreds of options for advertising and selling on Amazon
  • The best and new way to reach the potential buyers online
  • Creative ad formats and positions
  • Faster optimization to reach the customer at the right time
  • Real-time optimization and measuring results
  • Easy tracking and editing the campaign


  • For setting up the ad campaigns, you need to spend more time on Amazon than on other platforms
  • Reporting campaigns are less effective than other platforms

If your business is focused on products and you want to get more sales, then register with Amazon as a seller and start running the ads. Sometimes it might be difficult for you to understand the logistics of using Amazon ads. You can trust an agency that provides a good Internet marketing service to build your brand name.

5. Twitter  Ads

Twitter is the most popular micro-blogging platform that has been used by millions of users all around the world. It is one of the best advertising platforms for small businesses allows you to tweet in 280 characters along with images, videos, and lives. Apart from that, this platform has recently introduced Fleets and Speaks that are making quite a lot of buzz.


  • This lets the customers engage and purchase from you
  • Effective brand promotion
  • The affordable way to reach target traffic
  • Faster spread of information


  • Updating and managing will require time, effort, and professional handling
  • It is necessary to maintain unique ways to update more information
  • There are risks of anti-fan’s negative impressions and spread of malicious information

If you are planning for your brand recognition, this is the ideal platform for you. U These agencies specialize in using ads in an appropriate way, as a part of their digital marketing services You can choose any one of these agencies to build your business revenue via these ads.

6. Quora

Quora is a popular platform for questions and answers. This is also a great place for promoting content. Often overlooked, this is an effective channel for PPC for any marketer.No matter what kind of business you have, the correct usage of Quora will generate revenue and growth in the brand name. This is one of those platforms with which users interact closely. If you choose the best SEO company to collaborate with you for building a brand name, they will use their expert tricks to benefit the most of this platform. 


  • Perfect place to drive more traffic to your website and landing page
  • Low CPC and bidding costs
  • This is a great way for linking your content and getting assured traffic.


  • This channel, just like any other ad channel, get more bounce rate
  • The quality of leads is not very high on this platform.

When your customers are asking questions about the products or services you offer, this is the platform where they can find the right answer along with your links. Quora can be best used when you hire a copywriter who specializes in writing a Quora quotient. If you are skeptical about working with independent writers, you can choose an online marketing agency to aid you, with their expert team who will strategize your content marketing lifecycle.

7. LinkedIn

While LinkedIn is a B2B platform primarily, the ads on this platform get mixed results. This platform has a record of $2 billion in ad sales in the past few years.


  • Much more responsive audience than other platforms as the audience here is entirely B2B and they are the niche market
  • Audience targeting is more precise and efficient than any other platform. You can get a specific market, position, or business.
  • You can get high-value B2B prospective buyers.


  • The CPC is higher than other platforms like Google, Facebook, or Twitter
  • There are several data roadblocks while it reduces the reach
  • The interface is not as easy as other platforms.

If you are targeting a niche audience and trying to get a response from the B2B market, this is the best platform for you to run ads. If you are still skeptical about using the ads, it is best to trust the expert. Hire an online marketing agency to help you establish your brand name.

8. Pinterest

Starting as a small platform, Pinterest has a red of 7 million users today. This is not only a catalog for ideas to pin but also the best free online advertising platforms for businesses for showcasing their products. Even the record of selling on Pinterest is higher than the well-established eCommerce businesses. Sometimes, these digital platforms may confuse you. How to use it? Whom to ask? When in doubt, do not take chances with your business. Look for an online marketing agency that can build your name via Pinterest ads.


  • Best place for showcasing stroking images of products
  • The easy highlight of different aspects of business with boards
  • Better experience for the audience with different types of pins
  • The unlimited access can help you explore even more than just the related products with your board.


  • The audience of this platform is limited. The age group is less than 45 and users are mostly women
  • No access without an account makes it a closed system
  • To appear at the top, you need to have high-quality pictures

If your business fits the popular category of the platform, then you can take advantage of this platform completely.

9. Snapchat

Relatively easy to use, Snapchat comes with the best options for sharing and promoting business with amazing images and videos. It immediately reaches the inbox of the users. But when you are using this platform, you need to make sure that your customers are responding fast as the images disappear.


  • The best platform to connect with the younger audience
  • Having conversations with actual users is possible
  • Perfect way of showcasing company culture
  • Best platform for influencer marketing


  • Poor analytics
  • You need to be hyperactive as content doesn’t stay alive for long
  • Reaching customers with messages is difficult

If you have a dedicated marketer and a lot of visual content, this platform can be helpful for you.

10. YouTube

YouTube has around 1.3 billion users who watch nearly 5 billion videos every day. With banner and video advertisements, you can use YouTube for your brand promotion. As an average user spends 40 minutes per session on YouTube, this platform can offer you a great marketing opportunity.


  • Huge scope of influencer marketing
  • Targeting is easy as you will get many options for that
  • Compared to other social media channels, you will have more time to reach
  • Cost-effective option
  • Tracking available for video parameters and advertising effectiveness


  • As it depends upon users to categorize video, reaching the right target is not always easy.
  • You cannot choose the video and how relevant it will be for the ad’s context

YouTube is a very effective platform for small business that is trying to get more attention from the target audience because of its huge reach and affordable advertising. Even though many companies have heard and understood the way YouTube adds to building a brand, how many of them use the ads? It is best to take the advice of the expert in this case. Hire the digital marketing services of an agency to generate revenue via YouTube ads.

11. Taboola

This is not one of the common digital advertising platforms so you need an agency’s digital marketing services to guide you through the whole process. The framework of this platform is to post native ads. These native ads are then posted on the hosting website to earn revenue. With Taboola, you can achieve more visibility in the digital market.


  • Vendors worldwide use this platform to reach more visibility
  • Content is original and fun
  • All clicks have great value. 


  • Account Managers at times, neglect to create user-friendly landing pages
  • Inconsistency becomes a part of the content due to the strict rules present.

If you are an advertiser or a blogger, Taboola is the best platform for you. It is necessary to hire a good online marketing agency that will aid you to use Taboola’s ads correctly.

12. Reddit

Reddit is a popular name when it comes to digital advertising platforms. It is relatively easy to use and user-friendly. People post interesting memes, political and cultural topics and so much more on this website. When you start a discussion on Reddit, depending on the number of upvotes your post accumulates, your brand growth will increase.


  • Allows you to post pictures, audio, videos, and writeups about your company or personal thoughts.
  • External linking is also permitted
  • User-friendly features are available
  • Not so focused on mainstream news


  • If the blog or writeup is long, it will take time to upload and create the document 
  • If you get downgraded on Reddit, your post will not be visible anymore
  • Sometimes, the content is unmoderated so it might not be read by professionals.

If you want to use a unique and powerful medium to attract more traffic and increase brand growth, choose Reddit.

So, now, as you know about these platforms and how they can benefit you, what are you waiting for? Find the right platform and start running your ads. And if you need assistance from our experts for setting the ad campaign, then visit https://www.digitalconcepts.in/ or dial +91 98301 40672.

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