Effective ways to customize a WooCommerce thank you page | Digital Concepts

Customizing a Woocommerce Thank You Page: A Step-By-Step Guide

By Mitali Purkait Ghosh on January 23, 2023

For businesses, understanding the significance of the thank you page is an important consideration. Suppose you have an exceptional service or product to sell. How about pleasing your clients with a nicely-written message, especially after the completion of the purchase? A handful of them will come back next time and turn to repeat customers.

If you know how to make your clients happy, you will get them for word-of-mouth promotion for your products and services. However, the credit goes to WooCommerce working on your behalf. When looking for a WooCommerce development service, Digital Concepts will have you covered. Our website development team is aware of how appreciation is one of the factors to boost your business.

Here is a step-by-step account of customizing a WooCommerce thank you page. Even if it seems the minutest part of website development, a WooCommerce development company will insist that it is necessary to provide value to customers and make them feel special. Studies reveal that it requires less effort to retain the existing target group than to create a new one. Thanking a customer means that they have already completed purchasing from your store, so expressing gratitude guides them to make a second purchase.

  • Include relatable information
  • Including an estimated delivery time provides an idea to your customers of the expected time of delivery. Besides, you can incorporate links to FAQs, product guides, and videos to manage the expectation of customers and also provide them with the information they can relate to.

  • Look for feedbacks

  • When customizing a WooCommerce thank you page, don’t forget to add a form with a few questions. Try to retrieve information related to what they like about your website or why they prefer buying from your store.

  • Include a video

  • About 80% of marketers reveal that video enhances sales. So, a short video about the unique features of your product or service may do the trick.

  • Use recent content

  • Using recent content is another way of customizing the WooCommerce thank you page. Wondering how?  Hire WooCommerce developer from us and know how a post widget helps in adding updated posts and content to guide the customers toward other products. Our web developers will help you to showcase the latest content.

  • Remind customers about rewards, subscriptions, and loyalty points

  • You are aware of how customers earn points, rewards, and account signups for WooCommerce for purchasing from WooCommerce stores. The thank you page is an excellent option to remind people about the points they have earned, whether it’s time for them to redeem the points, or if there are more ways to earn. Apart from customizing the thank you page to recommend plan upgrades or payment methods also makes sense.

  • Social media shares and discounts

  • Social sharing for social media platforms will let your customers share the products they purchase through the share feature on the thank you page. Apart from this, converting shoppers to recurrent buyers is an excellent connectivity option.

    Motivate them by offering coupons once they subscribe to your email list, for taking a survey, or when they follow you on social media pages. As an offshore web development company India, we have a team of developers assisting clients with high levels of expertise and professionalism.

  • Maintaining simplicity and adding our brand

  • A major customization technique is customizing the tank page with text and brand colors to rev up brand awareness. Our developers insist on keeping the thank you page simple to allow customers to access the order details easily.

You can modify the thank you page based on different themes. At Digital Concepts, our development team helps in streamlining and customizing the WooCommerce page. If you want to know how to add custom features to this page, email sales@digitalconcepts.in to schedule an appointment with our developers or visit https://www.digitalconcepts.in/portfolio/website-design-development/ to know about our web development portfolio.

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