Optimize WooCommerce Performance With These Tips | Digital Concepts
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Optimizing Your WooCommerce Store: Proven Strategies for Better Performance

By Mitali Purkait Ghosh on November 13, 2023

Modern internet users don’t have the patience for a slow site when they get their daily dose of rapid entertainment from 6-second TikToks. A fast and responsive WooCommerce site doesn’t just enjoy high sales numbers but also keeps users engaged for a long time.

While there are several ways of improving your WooCommerce store, you must choose improvement measures that are cost-effective. You can achieve that by hiring an offshore web development company in India and Digital Concepts is one of the best names in the business.

Best site performance-enhancing tips from WooCommerce developers:

1. Choose a quick theme

Themes are the blueprints of your WooCommerce store. They can be customized to make your website unique and come with useful features that make the development journey hassle-free. However, when you hire a WooCommerce developer, they would recommend you against using a theme that increases loading time drastically. Themes are the backbone of your WooCommerce store and can make or break your site. Choose one that has a reputation for fast loading times and comes with inbuilt features for measuring the site speed.

2. Optimize images

High-resolution images help you show your product in the best light. You invest a lot of time clicking pictures of products and uploading them to your website. However, all that effort is wasted when customers open your store and keep waiting for the images to load. Images play a major role in page loading speed and optimizing them can help you improve your site performance drastically. You can use image editing software to convert your pictures to an efficient format or add a plugin that compresses images automatically.

3. Switch to a reliable host

Your hosting provider is crucial for the speed and security of your WooCommerce store. That’s why you must choose a server that provides you with great performance. Premium hosting servers usually come with features that justify the higher price tag. They usually use high-performance Solid State Drives to store site data and use updated versions of MySQL and PHP for optimal performance. Moreover, they also have a committed customer service to support you when the need arises. When you hire our dedicated WooCommerce developers, we also help you keep the website updated on your hosting provider.

4. Don’t get hooked on useless plugins and extensions

You can get thousands of free and premium plugins for your WooCommerce store. They help you add special functionalities to your website. That’s why it’s easy to lose way and install several plugins or extensions that don’t improve your store in any major way. Moreover, some plugins are incompatible with each other and bug out in different hosting environments. When you have too many plugins, your site may become sluggish, and managing it becomes a chore. Minimize plugin conflict by limiting them and shredding away the excess fat.

5. Use CDNs for delivering media

Content Delivery Networks(CDNs) are dedicated servers located all around the globe. They cache content like CSS, images, videos, audio, and Javascript and deliver them to users in close proximity. His helps you reduce the distance between the site content and your users significantly. Get a CDN service to make your store load faster without any compromise. The ideal loading time for a WooCommerce store is less than 3 seconds. Take even a few microseconds more and you lose potential customers. Use the above-mentioned tips to improve the performance of your WooCommerce store or hire reputable professionals for the job. As a WooCommerce development company, Digital Concepts boasts a committed team of proficient and deeply knowledgeable developers capable of elevating your website’s performance to unprecedented heights. Call us now at +91 98301 40672 or click here to know more about our services.

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