Social media post writing guide for bakeries | Digital Concepts
Social media posts for bakeries

Social Media Posting Guide for Bakeries: Things to Know

By Mitali Purkait Ghosh on February 10, 2023

What should you talk about when creating a social media guide for bakeries? Should the posts be product-centric only?  Should you talk about the all-time favorites in the posts? For local bakeries, the posts should aim to establish them as a community-friendly face. No matter how big or small your presence is as a bakery, the posts on social media should help in developing a close bond with the customers so that they can immediately identify your brand. Are you looking for social media strategies and practices that work across diverse platforms?  You are in the right place to get the assistance you need when you need experts to pen social media posts for bakeries. At Digital Concepts, a white label digital marketing company, we have a team of content writers to pen captivating social media posts and deliver those messages most articulately.

Social media posts for bakeries

Most bakeries have realized by now that social media is one of the most valuable marketing tools available today. Social media creates communication avenues between businesses and customers. Do you want to generate conversation around your brand?  Want to gather data related to your target audience?  We will assist your business to join the conversations with customers and connect with the followers when you outsource digital marketing services to us.

Here is the guide you need to follow to create social media posts for bakeries:

  • Focus on the presentation

Presentation is one of the key aspects of social media posts on bakeries. You need to highlight the colors that amplify the versatility of the products and make your brand stand out from the rest. Suppose you are trying to create a post on chocolate cakes, the presentation needs to be picture-perfect just like the cakes you are trying to showcase on the social media channels. Why don’t you hire a skilled photographer to let the image do the talking? Images of baked products play a significant role in promotion. The more precise the images better is the approach of the post. Overall, the image of your products should attract customers. You can start searching for offshore digital marketing services to get better ideas for presentations.

  • Post videos / GIFs of the products

Videos are more attention-grabbing than still images. Why don’t you create videos or GIFs of your recent offerings or the events where you have set up stalls? Showcasing the popularity of the stall based on the crowds that thronged the stalls through intriguing videos can help. We have SEO experts who have the skills needed to depict real-time videos and snippets from our professional writers.

  • Using local language

When writing posts for bakeries try to keep a mix of the local language to make them more click-worthy and appealing. Our local content writers are adept with the local language of the client and can write the most amazing post copies.

  • Contests and games

Contests and games amp up the content of social media posts and bring variation to the promotion. Small and effective posts and captions related to fin games and contests and the announcement of the winners help in conveying to the customers that the brand is active on social media. We are one of the best offshore SEO services to create strategies that bring your brand to the limelight.

  • A mixed bag of posts for every month

The monthly calendar for social media posts should be a mix of different posts like weekend posts, posts related to occasions, posts for special offerings, and everything to prevent boredom. But the key aspect is to make sure that every post needs to be timed and must go when the majority of the audience is online. With white labeling, you can execute such strategies flawlessly while saving resources at the same time.

Without having a few strategies in mind, the efforts to promote your bakery business across social media channels would fall flat. When developing social media posts, you need to track the progress regularly and work more dedicatedly to approach customers. Digital Concepts is an offshore digital marketing companyyou can approach to ensure that you know every aspect of brand building on social media platforms. Call +91 98301 40672 to discuss with us or schedule your appointment or send in your queries to to create thoughtful and high-quality posts. You can also visit to fill out the form.

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