Stream and Sell: The Ultimate Live Shopping 101 Guide! | Digital Concepts

Streaming Success: Mastering Live Shopping 101 for Explosive Sales!

By Mitali Purkait Ghosh on August 24, 2023

Live Shopping took off in Asia back in 2016 and since then has become a growing trend worldwide. It will account for over 5 percent of all e-commerce sales in the US within the next three years. 

You can also get on with this trend with your own live shopping site by hiring Shopify Website development services. Before diving in, it’s important to explore this marketing strategy in more depth.   

Live Shopping

Live shopping has two core components – A live video and promoting products for selling to viewers. A live shopping event may happen on social media, an app, or the business owner’s website. With the last option, you get more control since you control the platform. You can hire Shopify store development services from us to integrate live selling features into your store website.  

Usually, one person or a team of three at most presents products or services on a live stream to their audience. They demonstrate how to use the product, try it on, and share how it affects your life among other tips. The host also interacts with the livestream audience via chat and answers their queries. The viewers are presented with links, pop-ups, pinned comments, and other elements that point to the product or service and encourage users to buy it. Adding a live selling feature to your store is one of the best ways of making money on Shopify. With our offshore web development services, you can spike up your sales figures by hopping on this trend.

Benefits of Live Shopping

  • Increase Trust – Even before customers know about your product, you have the opportunity to build trust and make a personal connection. Audio-visual mediums are the natural methods of human interaction. If you can get a relevant influencer as a host for promoting your product, you get access to a large pool of users who are more likely to convert into paying customers.  
  • High Engagement – Live shopping is a popular marketing strategy since it boasts high engagement metrics. Your audience can ask questions about the product and you can provide them convincing answers that may persuade them to take action. They can also provide valuable feedback to improve your website or product. You can hook your audience from the beginning with a high level of engagement. 
  • Fewer returned products – The average return rates for e-commerce stores hover around 20 to 30 percent. With live shopping, customers get in-depth knowledge about the quality, use, and finish of the product. They can clear their doubts and buy your product when they have satisfied their curiosity. You can reduce your return rates by as much as 40 percent when you sell through live shopping.   

You don’t need to pay exorbitant prices to add this feature to your website. At Digital Concepts, we excel in this service. You can avail our services to integrate live selling features into your website. Your customers won’t need to leave the stream to add your product to the cart. To hire a Shopify developer in India, call us at + 91 98301 40672 or ask for a free site audit

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