Is WordPress the Best CMS for SEO in 2023? | Digital Concepts

Is WordPress The Best Platform For SEO?

By Mitali Purkait Ghosh on March 30, 2023

You must have heard so many times that successful SEO experts leverage WordPress for SEO. But you may still be thinking about whether it is the best platform for SEO. If you are having trouble understanding whether WordPress resonates with SEO, you are in the right place. At Digital Concepts, we level up the online visibility of WordPress-based sites depending on the business, the opportunities it creates, and the level of competition.

If you still have doubts about why WordPress is an SEO-friendly platform, check these points below to know why you can outsource WordPress development to us to rev up the user experience of your site.

1. WordPress is based on user experience

WordPress, as you know comprises plugins and themes that get together to make your site attractive, user-friendly, and professional. Now such sites will enjoy undaunted exposure and make visitors stay longer than they do. So, you have low bounce rates and improved ranking on the search engine. Google looks out for sites offering the best user experience.

2. Create amazing content structure

One of the primary reasons you need a dedicated WordPress developer is to create an amazing content structure comprising, categories, headings, titles, and tags. All these boil down to excellent content organization that Google or other search engines can interpret easily. The moment your content becomes comprehensible to search engines; you are a notch up as far as SEO is concerned. Now isn’t that great?

3. Managing metadata easily

Do you know how search engines gauge your site’s relevance? Metadata helps search engine crawlers understand what your web pages contain. With keyword-rich metadata, your site ranks on search engines. Wondering what the role of WordPress is here? Get an amazing plugin called Yoast SEO if you are already using WordPress and add metadata to all your posts quickly. We are a custom WordPress development company to help you run your website smoothly without compromising the SEO. Our recommendations have benefited our clients and it’s time you count yourself in as well.

4. Optimization of your images for WordPress sites

There is no denying that images add zeal to your site and make the blogs more interesting to read. But are images all to encourage readers to read the entire text? With WordPress sites, you get an opportunity to rev up the SEO ranking. Wondering how?

  • Create Alt text for your images easily with WordPress
  • Create appropriate sizes for your images and avoid retarding the page of your site.
  • With WordPress sites, you can create alt text for each image, allowing you to incorporate keywords based on the descriptions of images. That way, search engine crawlers will notice them quickly.

A professional web development outsourcing company considers coordinates with SEO experts to make the best decisions for your site. We are one of the best-known experts to assist clients to make image optimization look easy and smooth.

5. Maintain the speed of your site

Speed is one of the indicators that decide the ranking of your site. So, the faster the page loads, the easier it is for search engines to crawl and index sites appropriately. Now, WordPress sites usually have higher loading speeds, so there is little to no questions of SEO being compromised.

6. Mobile Optimization

More people access search engines from smartphones and tablets today and the numbers are increasing every instance. If you want to make your site digitally competitive, you need to make your site mobile-friendly. Are mobile-friendly sites easy to optimize? Yes, WordPress-based sites can be optimized and customized for mobile phones. But if you are still figuring out how to do it, hire dedicated WordPress developer to find out the site looks on different devices .

Are you still searching for the best CMS for SEO? WordPress comes packed with plugins, themes, and tools, creating the best possibilities for SEO. Therefore, if you have a WordPress-based site, you can implement the best SEO tactics to make the site rank. At Digital Concepts, our developers work hard to create WordPress sites that are miles ahead of others and are SEO-friendly. Visit to hire our WordPress developers or call +91 98301 40672 to speak to us today.

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