5 Tips for Creating Highly Converting Social Media Copies | Digital Concepts

5 Solid Tips and Tricks to Create Hit Social Media Copies

By Mitali Purkait Ghosh on April 2, 2022

If you are a company that is looking to create effective social media posts, thank God you landed on our blog! Running social media advertising will create a solid brand image of your business on different platforms. However, establishing your presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc. is harder than it looks. Let’s be honest, there is no one way to create social media posts. Every platform has different requirements, following which can lead your business to get more potential customers. For your in-house team of writers, it might be difficult to figure out the ‘it’ way but we have made the job easy. 

Our team of copywriters and content writers have been working in different industries for a long time. We know what it takes for your social media posts to receive the most attention. To make the job easier for you, we have compiled all the important tips and tricks your writers need to remember while writing for any social media platform. Want to make your job easy? Hire a copywriter from our team and get the best copies written!

Coming back to the suggestions, look at the points below, carefully. This is the one way to crack social media post success!

Titillating Your Audience

You might now know this fact but an average person spends about 142 minutes on different social media platforms, every day! Now, think of the situation this way- Since all your potential customers are on social media, what do you need to do to grab their attention? Educate and thrill your audience, of course. A customer will find it hard to buy your products and services if they don’t ‘know’ its utility. The power of social media post copies is that they can excite your customers within a short sentence. When you hire a writer, make sure that they know the way to make your audience feel as they ‘need’ your products or services. Since there are so many competitive companies in the market, your social media post needs to be short, precise and something so pushy that your audience will immediately go and hit the buy button.

Now, remember your writer shouldn’t give everything away in the post copy. There should be enough to excite them but not all so that they don’t hit the company page link. After creating a sense of urgency in your customers, keeping the product link or directing them to your company page will do the trick for you.

Conversations Are the Key

On social media, everyone loves a casual, quirky, and witty post. Keeping your social media pages bland will not bring in more customers no matter how great your product is. Your chosen writer must stir up a conversation in the copy that they write. Asking a casual question, seeking an opinion, etc. works the best in the case of social media post copies since the audience believes that their comments are important. You are bound to notice a sharp rise in your followers, comments, shares, likes, etc. when you engage your target market in a conversation.

When your writers create a posted copy trying to engage the audience, ask them to not make it sound like begging, it’s off-putting! Asking them to include something along the lines of ‘leave a comment below to let us what you think’, will do the trick!

Infographics Always Work

The purpose of creating a social media copy on a platform is to highlight your business and make it a hit. For those reasons, infographics are a great trick to use. Sometimes your writers may feel limited in the word count of the post and won’t know what to do. In those situations, infographics will have your back. There is a reason that the most solid digital businesses have infographics involved in many of their social media post copies. An image is worth a thousand words, after all!

Sometimes when your customers are not in the mood to read what your business is offering, taking a glance at your images will make them hooked. We have tried it several times and each time it worked out for generating customers.

Why Skip Emojis!

Many writers believe only in writing the post copy and not involving any ‘fun’ elements in it. When you hire content writer or copywriter, make sure that they have the above-mentioned qualities. Social media is a place to have fun. Not many people are using it for serious businesses. Usually, after a long day at work, they want to relax and scroll through these social media platforms. Why would you want to feed them something heavy and long and boring!

Instead, ask your writers to use emojis in the most relevant way possible. Sometimes using emojis in place of bullet points also grabs your customer’s eyes. We have seen a greater engagement on a post with fun-filled emojis than the ones that have boring lines written. Since the aim of your social media post copies is to bring in more and more traffic, using emojis will be the ultimate party trick to use!

Never Miss CTA

Your brand visibility and exposure will only increase when you include a CTA at the end of each social media post. Usually, CTAs are preferable at the end of social media post copies but your writers can put it anywhere in the content. This strategy will fuel your brand with more organic traffic and meet consumer requirements. Following these tips and tricks will help you reach the maximum number of customers than ever before.

Looking for an easier way out? Hire Digital Concepts. We have a solid team of copywriters who include all the latest trends and tricks to make sure your post copy is a hit at all times. Visit us at https://www.digitalconcepts.in/ to know more about our services and quotes.

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